Vicki and Colin are the new owners of Tackling Our Debt, a site that aims to support people from all over the world to live comfortably, within their means and to enjoy the rollercoaster known as life.

Residing in Norfolk, English, Vicki and Colin are no strangers to financial stresses, with a blended family of eight meaning that budgets are often tight. However, the family members do not feel as though they miss out!

“The recent pandemic has meant that we have had to tighten our belts even further. Taking on ‘Tackling Our Debt’ will allow us to share hints, tips, news, articles and other content that we feel will help families, couples and individuals from all corners of the earth to deal with their finances more effectively. We aren’t shy in discussing our money ups and downs, so look out for our personal stories soon!”


Brief Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors or financial experts. We decided to develop this blog as a way of tackling our debt and cleaning up our mistakes. In the process of researching and writing the blog posts on this site, we (and the original website owners) realised that other people are in the same situation as us, so of course, we hope that they will benefit from this information, too.