Are you searching for ways to make money from home? Most people fantasize about how to earn income from home. They dream about working in the comfort of their own home, leaving behind mornings filled with the blaring sound of an annoying alarm clock. Right now, daydreams about flexible hours and self employment may seem too good to be true but, it’s really quite attainable with a little bit of direction and determination.
Luckily, finding a part-time or full-time job at home has never been easier.
I’ve compiled a list of 5 legitimate companies that may be able to bring your dream of self employment into reality.
Instead of listing each website the old fashioned numerological way, I’ve decided to split them into two categories for left and right thinking people.
Creative Ways for Right Brained People on How to Earn Income From Home
Are you a person of many talents that can create unique handmade products like no other?
If you are, there are two sites that would be perfect for you. Etsy is dedicated to crafters and artists who think outside of the box.
If you can draw, sew, design, or create unusual products that are uniquely yours the talent you possess maybe a hidden gold mine. You can setup a shop displaying your beautifully odd creations in no time.
It cost $0.20 to list but, you also have a 3.5% sales fee for each item sold.
Do you have an eye for vintage items or classic antiques?
If you’re able to find the diamond in the rough while frequenting thrift stores and garage sales, you may be able to open a successful vintage or antique shop.
Suppliers are also welcomed on Etsy.
However, resellers or products that aren’t considered handmade, vintage, or supplies are forbidden.
Artfire is very similar to Etsy.
However, it doesn’t attract as much traffic and items from suppliers are welcomed with a few exceptions like electronics and auto parts.
Related: 69 Fantastic Ways to Make Money
You can also sell goods you’ve designed but not created.
You pay $12.95 a month instead of a listing fee. Plus, Artfire has a tool that allows you to import your Etsy store items which gives you the opportunity to attract customers from two different streams.
Hatchwise is the last site I’d like to recommend for the artistically gifted.
If you are able to create attractive graphics for logos, websites, or t-shirts you should give this website a try.
As a creator you’re able to enter into contests held by prospective buyers.
They describe what they’re looking for and then it’s your job to create it.
Once, you’ve entered a contest you’re able to receive feedback from the prospective buyer. If they choose your artwork over the competition, you’ll receive 80% of the payout.
Luckily, you don’t have to be formally trained to enter a contest at Hatchwise because there are no experience barriers. So, if you’re good with Photoshop or other editors, you are free to join.
Easy Ways for Left Brained People to Build a Steady Stream of Income
The recent outsourcing boom has created new opportunities for individuals looking to work from home.
If you have impeccable time management and organization skills a job working as a virtual assistant maybe ideal.
You can find available positions at Freelancer which is a site that has several positions available in different professions like business support services, graphic design, and technical support.
Another option is Mechanical Turk, a site owned by Amazon.
They offer HITs or human intelligence tasks.
When you visit the site you’ll find a list of tasks ranging from a few cents to several dollars. The cheaper jobs usually consist of surveys, entering keyword relevance details, and other mind numbing tasks. Whereas the more profitable jobs usually involve transcription.
That’s it for now; I really hope this article gives someone the boost they need to make money online. The first step is always the hardest but once you get started you’ll find new creative ways to make extra cash easily.