1. You don’t deal with your debt because you believe it will sort itself out on its own, eventually.
  2. You don’t deal with your debt because you are too scared to add up the numbers to find out exactly how much money you owe and who you owe.
  3. You don’t deal with your debt because you don’t believe that you are in debt.
  4. You don’t deal with your debt because your credit already sucks, so why bother.
  5. You don’t deal with your debt because you are afraid that you and your spouse will get into arguments and it will ruin your marriage.
  6. You don’t deal with your debt because you do not have any money to put towards it, so why bother even worrying about it.
  7. You don’t deal with your debt because you are already stressed out and thinking about your debt just upsets you more.
  8. You don’t deal with your debt because you figure that you will pay it off as soon as you win the lottery or inherit millions from Aunt Gertrude.
  9. You don’t want to deal with your debt because you think it is your spouse’s fault that you, as a couple, are in debt and that he\she should deal with it on their own.
  10. You don’t deal with your debt because it takes time to sit down and work on it, and you are already exhausted from working and looking after your family.
  11. You don’t deal with your debt because acknowledging that you have debt makes you feel like a failure.
  12. You don’t deal with your debt because you figure you will pay it off next year, or the year after, when you earn more money.
  13. You don’t deal with your debt because you are embarrassed to admit that you are even in debt.
  14. You don’t deal with your debt because it is so overwhelming and you simply do not know where to begin or how to handle the situation.
  15. You don’t deal with your debt because you figure lots of people are in debt, so what’s the big deal anyways.
  16. You don’t deal with your debt because you currently earn a lot of money and you think that all the money you earn is meant to be spent, and then some.