Do you procrastinate or do you get things done

Are there certain things in your life that just come naturally to you and other things that you are constantly working on improving?

Do you find it a challenge or a struggle to work on improving certain areas of your life?

If you do, you are not alone.

As I’m sure you have heard many times before, we are all a work in progress.

We all have things that we would like to be better at.

Some of those things take priority over others.

What different areas in your life do you want to improve on?

Do you tackle them all at once, or do you make a plan to tackle and master them one at a time?

This list is meant to inspire you and to help you, if there is an area in your life, that you wish to improve upon.

Let’s talk about the different areas in our lives that some of us have mastered and areas that some of us want to improve on, and see which items you can relate to.

What Areas of Your Life Do You Want to Improve On?


People often say “don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today”.

I prefer to say “don’t do today what you can put off until tomorrow”. Kidding!! Maybe…

How about you? How often do you have a task that needs to get done, but every day you wake up, think about it, and then tell yourself you will do it tomorrow?

I do it all the time. It can be something as simple as getting the vacuuming done, or mowing the lawn, or getting some new pins made for my blog.

What do you put off each day?

Becoming More Productive

Be it tasks at work or tasks at home, some days we can be very productive and some days we can feel like we didn’t accomplish a single thing.

What can we do to improve our productivity?

We could make lists of what needs to get done, and focus on that list and get to work.

Or we could simply work on one specific item each day.
Productivity really depends on your personality. Some folks are list makers, with set routines for each day. And some folks prefer to tackle things as they come up.

Spending More Time with Family and Friends

Are you a workaholic? Do you find that your kids are graduating from high school next week and you have been so busy with your own work that you didn’t even notice that they weren’t in diapers anymore?

Leading a balanced life is good for our health.

A good mix of doing work that we enjoy, and doing activities and spending time with friends and family, is very important. It helps us maintain a happy attitude and a healthy body.

If you currently do not feel that way, what can you do to inspire some changes in your life to help you feel more balanced?

Dealing With Specific Health Issues Such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc.

Many people get diagnosed with a serious illness and take immediate action, while others don’t take the time to figure out what they need to do to improve their health.

Is being healthy a priority to you?

You might be thinking “of course it is”.

Did you know that for many people it isn’t?

What steps can you take to ensure that your health is a priority to you?

Becoming a Better Listener

Are you the type of person that actually listens when others in the room are speaking to you or is your mind formulating your next response?

Or worse yet, is it a million miles away thinking about something completely unrelated?

Honestly it takes patience to be a good listener, and it takes practice.

This is an area that my husband and I struggle with on a daily basis. He interrupts me when I am speaking because it has simply become a habit for him, and I interrupt him, because I forget things easily, so I figure if I don’t speak now, I will not remember what I wanted to say. I use to really let the flow of our conversations bother me, but not anymore. You have to pick your battles, and this is not one that I want to worry about anymore.

Saving More Money

In the world of personal finance we are constantly reading stories about people who have saved their money and people who have spent too much money, again.

Which category do you fall into?

Is saving more money an area in your life that you need to improve on?

Is it a priority? What steps can you take to begin saving more money, instead of spending it all?

Making More Money

Is making more money easier said than done?

Sometimes people really struggle with this.

If you are someone that wants to make more money what can you do to make that happen?

Can you take some training courses? Can you find a job? Can you start a business?

Building a Retirement Fund

People begin building their retirement fund at different points in their lives.

Some start when they are in their 20’s or 30’s, and some never do.

And what I have learned over time is that building your retirement fund isn’t based on whether a person is low income, middle income or wealthy.

It is simply based on their personal financial beliefs.

Eating Better Meals

Before you can make improvements to your daily eating habits you need to figure out what “better” means to you.

Does eating only organic food mean that you are eating better?

Does eating only low carb food mean that you are eating better?

Or does only going to McDonalds twice a week mean that you are eating better?

eating healthy

Cooking Skills

Many people are fantastic cooks while others only use their kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

Improving your cooking skills is important for so many reasons.

The two reasons that immediately come to my mind are that it allows you to pay closer attention to the ingredients that you are putting in your mouth, and it helps you save money because you are not paying to dine out all the time or to order in.

If improving your cooking skills is important to you, check out all of the excellent online cooking classes that are now available. Many are free too.

Organizing Your Home

Some people are natural born organizers, and some people either struggle with it or ignore it all together.

If you are someone that struggles with being organized but wants to get better at it there are so many online resources that you can turn to for simple organizational tips that you can begin implementing right away.

Organizing Your Work

Is it possible to be organized at home but not at work?

Is your desk covered with papers, supplies, empty coke cans, empty coffee cups, and so on?

What about your computer?

Do you spend an hour looking for a file that you know you just saved yesterday, or are all of your computer files neatly organized based on certain subjects?

What about your favorites folder? When was the last time you organized those on your computer?

Seeing Tasks Through to Completion Instead of Always Multi-tasking

If you are like most people you are proud of your multi-tasking skills.

But when important tasks need to get done how much do people that continually multi-task really get done, and get done well?

For example, when you are working on a project on your computer how many times do you stop to check and respond to email, or to quickly look something up on the Internet for a completely different project? I do it all the time and by the end of the day I get so little done. How about you?