No one ever starts out their day with the goal of being involved in an accident, but the fact that 37.9 million Americans ended up in emergency rooms for injuries in 2010 shows that this is exactly what sometimes takes place. These incidents can be stressful, but when they’re caused by another individual’s negligence, they can be especially disheartening. Luckily, accident victims can often recover compensation in these instances, but this is only the case if they know how to have a successful claim negotiation.

1. Seek Medical Help

The first step in getting a fair amount of compensation is to visit a physician.

Even if an injury seems minor, seeking out medical help is essential.

After all, if a person cannot prove that they were physically hurt in an accident, why would any court grant them monetary compensation?

Additionally, since minor injuries can deteriorate if left untreated, this is also a good idea for a person’s overall well-being.

2. Seek Legal Help

It’s also essential for an individual to seek out a local accident attorney if they’re injured.

One car accident attorney states “If the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to financial compensation.” These legal professionals will know all of the related laws in a given locale, and in reality, insurers are much more likely to offer fair settlements in the first place if they know a person has legal representation.

When a lawyer is involved, insurance companies often do whatever it takes to avoid a courtroom.

3. Have a Settlement in Mind

It’s always best to go into a claim negotiation with a bottom line amount in mind.

This will allow a person to remember the least they’ll accept even in the midst of sometimes stressful negotiations. It’s in this type of situation that an attorney really comes in handy.

Not only will a lawyer know how much a claim is really worth, but they’ll be able to handle the tense negotiation process themselves.

This definitely takes a bit of stress off of the accident victim.

4. Do Not Accept the First Offer

It’s important to remember that an adjuster will never start out with their absolute best price.

In fact, they may throw out an incredibly low settlement offer just to see if the victim has any idea of what they’re doing.

When an offer isn’t out of line, it’s imperative to make a counteroffer, but this initial counteroffer should never be the victim’s bottom line price.

5. Seek Justification for Low Offers

In cases where adjusters just try to throw out unreasonable first offers, it’s often a better idea to ask them for justification of such a low offer rather than coming back with a counteroffer.

They’ll likely list several reasons, but the claimant should take note of all of them and come up with responses for each. In some instances, the adjuster may have valid concerns, but this should be something a person leaves for their lawyer to decide.

6. Know When to Cease Negotiations

At some point, there’s just no need to further negotiate.

Some adjusters will simply refuse to make a fair offer due to the hit that the insurance company will take. In these instances, a person should never be afraid to take the issue to court.

With their local attorney at their side, they stand a good chance of receiving much more compensation than they were initially looking for.

The aftermath of a serious injury will undoubtedly be a difficult time in a person’s life. From having to worry about medical bills to wondering about one’s employment status, there’s not much about these incidents which make them anything more than stressful. Remember that the law is set up so that innocent victims can recover compensation from negligent individuals; and following the above steps can definitely go a long way in ensuring a fair settlement.