Have you ever taken the time to evaluate your life as it stands today? I mean every aspect of your life.

When you do an inventory of your life as it currently stands you will benefit in two ways.

First you will see in black and white all of the things you have accomplished in your lifetime and how well you are doing, which is always extremely helpful.

Secondly you will have a very clear picture of the things in your life that you may want to make changes to and improve upon so that your life just keeps getting better and better. You will find that doing this evaluation exercise will definitely assist you in making positive changes in your life.

When I completed this exercise to evaluate my own life I found it incredibly helpful and quite easy.  Working through it allowed me to review and address important areas of my life.

As I worked on each question and listed my answers, I was able to define new priorities for my life and identify the things that matter most to me.

evaluating your life

An Exercise That Will Help You Evaluate Your Life

You can start by sorting the details of your life into several categories so that your assessment does not become overwhelming.

To get the best results from this, first, make yourself a nice cup of hot tea or coffee.  Then grab a pen and some paper.

Take your time and relax as you work through this exercise.  Stick with it!  I know you will find it very informative.

The categories for this evaluation include:






Below are questions for each category. Use a new sheet of paper for each category. Write down the questions along with your answers.


1. How well do I eat?

2. Am I at my ideal weight?

3. Am I in excellent health?

4. How many days per year am I sick?

5. How often am I sick with a cold or the flu?

6. Do I exercise at least 3 times a week for 40 minutes?

7. Do I get a good 8 hours of sleep per night?

8. Should I consider taking a good daily multi-vitamin?

9. Do I wake up energized, or stressed and tired?

10. Am I working more than 40 hours a week?


1. Am I earning my desired income?

2. Is my credit score in good to excellent status?

3. Am I saving and investing at least 10% of my weekly pay check?

4. Is my net worth what I want it to be?

5. Do I have a good retirement savings plan in place that I contribute to each month?

6. Am I happy with the amount of money I have?


1. Do I worry about the past or the future?

2. Is my life filled with joy and peace of mind?

3. Do I take time each day to appreciate and be grateful for everything I currently have in my life?

4. Do I spend at least 30 minutes of my day in peace and quiet on my own?

5. Do I challenge myself everyday to be the best that I can be?


1. Do I take the time to acknowledge and enjoy all the significant people in my life?

2. Am I open to welcoming new people into my life and work at making new friends?

3. Do my relationships enhance and support my life?

4. Do I get along well with my boss and my co-workers?

5. Am I courteous and polite to people that I come in contact with throughout my day, be it the cashier at the grocery store, the waitress at lunch time, or the person who served me coffee?


1. Do I stand up for what I believe in?

2. Do I have the time and flexibility to do whatever I choose?

3. Do I feel that I am good enough as I am today?

4. Am I living the life that I have always dreamed of?

5. Do I take as many vacations a year as I would like?

6. Are there any adventurous activities that I would like to try?

7. Do I live in my dream location?

8. Am I happy with my current lifestyle – single, relationship, married?

9. Do I love my current occupation?

As you review and answer these questions think about what you love, what you could do differently, and how you can make positive changes in your life.

I hope it helps you too!